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7 Conditions That May Require Spine Surgery

spine pain surgery singapore

Living with spine conditions can be challenging as it affects your daily life and overall well-being. However, thinking about whether spine surgery is necessary to cure this condition can be daunting for many individuals. 

In this article, we will explore common conditions that may require spine surgery and shed light on what you should consider if you need one.

Herniated discs

Herniated discs happen when the soft inner material of a spinal disc protrudes through the tough outer layer. Also known as slipped or ruptured discs, this condition can lead to nerve compression, causing pain, numbness, and weakness. 

Spine surgery, such as spinal discectomy or microdiscectomy, may be recommended to alleviate pressure on the affected nerves and provide relief. The advancement in spinal endoscopy allows these conditions to be treated with endoscopic spine surgery with a short hospital stay. 

Spinal stenosis

Spinal stenosis is characterised by the narrowing of the spinal canal, which puts pressure on the spinal cord and nerves. Pain, tingling, and weakness in your back and legs are signs of spinal stenosis. 

Spine surgery, such as laminectomy or spinal decompression, may be advised to create more space within the spinal canal and relieve the symptoms associated with spinal stenosis. Spinal stenosis can now be effectively treated through minimally invasive endoscopic spine surgery

Spinal instability

Spinal instability is a condition that arises when the normal movement and alignment of the vertebrae are compromised, leading to pain, discomfort, and potential neurological issues. Various factors, including trauma, degenerative changes, or congenital conditions, can cause this instability.

Endoscopic spine surgery has emerged as an option for addressing spinal instability, allowing targeted treatment with minimal downtime. 


Scoliosis is seen as a sideways curvature of the spine. While not all cases require surgery, severe scoliosis may be treated with spinal fusion to straighten and stabilise the spine. 

Surgery is typically considered when other interventions, such as bracing, prove ineffective in managing the curvature.

Vertebral compression fractures

Vertebral compression fractures often result from osteoporosis or trauma, causing the vertebrae to collapse. 

Minimally invasive spine surgery, such as kyphoplasty or vertebroplasty, may be recommended in some cases. These procedures call for injecting bone cement into the fractured vertebra to stabilise it and alleviate pain.

Spinal tumours

Spinal tumours can be benign or malignant growths within the spinal canal or vertebral column. 

Surgery is often a crucial component of the treatment plan for spinal tumours. The goal is to remove the tumour or ease the pressure on the spinal cord, depending on the nature of the growth.

Spinal infections

Infections affecting the spine, such as spinal abscesses or discitis, can be severe and may require prompt surgical intervention. Surgery is often aimed at draining the infection, removing damaged tissue, and stabilising the spine to prevent further complications.

Factors to consider before choosing spine surgery

Deciding to undergo spine surgery is a significant and often complex decision that requires careful consideration. 

Before proceeding with any surgical intervention, individuals facing spine-related issues should weigh various factors to make informed choices for their health and lifestyle. Here are key considerations to ponder before choosing spine surgery.

Exhausting non-surgical options

Physical therapy, medications, lifestyle modifications, and other conservative approaches might effectively manage certain spine conditions. 

Understanding the risks and benefits

Consult your surgeon to discuss the risks associated with the proposed surgery and the potential benefits in pain relief, improved function, and quality of life.

Getting a second opinion

Different surgeons may have varying approaches to treatment, and a second opinion can help confirm the diagnosis and treatment plan or offer alternative suggestions.

Assessing the impact on lifestyle

Some surgeries may require an extended recovery, and understanding the potential lifestyle adjustments can help you plan accordingly.

Evaluating surgeon expertise

A surgeon specialising in spine surgery and a track record of favourable outcomes instils confidence in the treatment process.

Considering minimally invasive options

Minimally invasive spine surgery often results in smaller incisions, less muscle damage, and quicker recovery times than traditional open surgery. Inquire about the feasibility of minimally invasive options for your condition.

Spine surgery in Singapore

Spine surgery can be considered for individuals struggling with various spine conditions. However, it’s essential to consult a qualified spine specialist to determine the most appropriate action based on your diagnosis and symptoms. 

Achieve Spine & Orthopaedic Centre ‘s provides comprehensive spine care with the objective of being less invasive if possible, we believe in small incision is beautiful, less invasive is preferred if possible and tissue conservation is key. Our centre includes surgical interventions tailored to individual needs. Our experienced surgeons are committed to ensuring optimal outcomes for patients dealing with spine conditions.

Book a consultation today to learn more about spine surgery and its cost.